
Accessibility in the field of hospitality

How to make tourist locations accessible to people with disabilities

Experts: Serhii Titarenko, Nina Matsiuk, Uliana Pcholkina, +10

They say that a person's problem is not a disability, but the barriers that surround the person. This series was created for representatives of the hospitality industry to overcome obstacles in providing quality service to tourists who, for example, move around in a wheelchair, have vision impairment or are hard of hearing.


After reviewing the series, you will learn about inclusive leisure options, architectural accessibility in hotels and other facilities, proper communication and interaction, and how to conduct tours for tourists with PTSD. And is it true that almost not everyone gets this diagnosis during the war?


It is important to say that the adaptation of tourist facilities to inclusive standards adds both reputational and material benefits to a business. According to statistics, the owners' income after such changes increases by 10%.

The educational series was created on the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Department of Tourism and Resorts of the Lviv Regional State Administration for the Diia.Education platform.

Education series
for business and entrepreneurs

HARD: Creation of inclusive art objects, Creation of inclusive physical space in means of accomodation, Excursion for people with post-traumatic stress disorder, Inclusive space design, Organization of inclusive leisure

SOFT: Ability to communicate with people with disabilities, Ability to interact with people who move around in a wheelchair, have vision impairment or are hard of hearing

Invited experts

Serhii Titarenko
Veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, psychologist
Nina Matsiuk
Expert on issues of inclusivity and barrier-free environment, consultant on the implementation of practices of barrier-free and inclusiveness
Uliana Pcholkina
The leader of the public organization "Active Rehabilitation Group", takes care of issues of inclusion and accessibility in Ukraine
Volodymyr Vysotskyi
Expert on accessibility of the built environment and spatial inclusion, member of the International Association of Accessibility Specialists, co-founder of the universal design studio ORFO



Department of Tourism and Resorts of the Lviv Regional State Administration

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