thumb-Volodymyr Frizyuk on a dark background

Account Manager

Who is an account manager and how to become one?

Experts: Volodymyr Fryziuk

If you can find a common language with anyone, easily resolve conflicts, work unstable hours, and study data and marketing, then the account manager profession is for you. The account manager works with clients and supports the process of providing services to a particular customer. This is a one-man band that controls the execution of all tasks for creative agency clients, communicates with them, maintains good relations, and offers new services and products. This is the first person in a company or agency with whom a client begins to interact. In the educational series, you will find out what are the challenges, advantages, and routine of the profession. You will understand what skills it requires, where you can work, and where to start. In this profession, communication is more important than any background. If you can talk anyone into anything, maybe it's for you?

The educational series was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation for the Diia.Education platform with the support of, the Eastern Europe Foundation, with the assistance of DENTSU.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
for IDPs, for new job seekers, for new profession

HARD: Basics of business communication, Indsutry Knowledge, Professional ethics, Solving tactical problems, Stages of work with the client, Tender stages, Work with project management tools, Work with task management tools, Written communication

SOFT: Anti-crisis communication, Communication with clients in management, Crisis & Conflict resolution, Emotional intelligence in management, Multitasking, Oral communication, Problem Solving, Stakeholders management, Stress resistance

Account Manager

Invited experts


Volodymyr Fryziuk

Chief Operating Officer of dentsu Ukraine Communications Group



Dentsu Ukraine