thumb-Olena Zelenska, Oleksiy Chernyshov and Olena Ivanova and other experts on a dark background

A state without barriers

What is barrier-free approach and how it works in public service

Experts: Olena Zelenska, Oleksii Chernyshov, Olena Ivanova

We can build a world where people with disabilities have access to everything. Civil servants play a key role in this process by restructuring internal procedures and policy approaches.


In the educational series, find out about various aspects of barrier-free work of public servants. You will learn how to communicate properly with people with disabilities so that everyone feels respected and humanized. You will be able to prepare and implement state and municipal decisions for an inclusive society. You will learn how to get rid of prejudice against others and prevent discrimination.


Barrier-free is about culture, rules and policies.


The educational series of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine was created as part of the Without Barriers Initiative of First Lady Olena Zelenska in cooperation with the Advisor and Presidential Commissioner for a Barrier-Free Environment, Barrier-Free NGO, civil society representatives and experts with the support of the UNDP Human Rights for Ukraine Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
for civil servants, for public servants
Problem-solving in the digital environment and lifelong learning

Invited experts

Olena Zelenska
Oleksii Chernyshov
Olena Ivanova


thumb-Логотип Програми розвитку ООН: синій прямокутник із зображенням білого глобуса, оточеного оливковою гілкою, та білими літерами "UNDP" під зображенням

United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine

thumb-Logo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, featuring a crown and a coat of arms with lions on a red background, alongside the text "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark" in bold red letters

The Government of Denmark

NGO "Barrier-free"


The National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NAUCS)