Digital Signature
What an electronic signature is, why it is useful, how to create it and store it safely
Experts: Tetiana Sheliha, Oleksandr Kozlov, Maksym Samchyk
The revolution has come: you no longer have to go somewhere and sign documents in person!
An electronic signature allows you to do this in seconds from your computer and gadgets. Watch the series and find out how to get an electronic signature, what types of electronic signatures are available, and how to use them.
Learn how to authenticate with an electronic signature to apply for a individual entrepreneur in a few seconds, order services for drivers, access your medical records online, or get an extract from the land cadastre. It's important to store an electronic signature properly, but the series also has instructions for this.
Get the key to the digital world!
A project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the support of the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Program.
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