thumb-Two women and two men in a group photo on a black background

Modern resume and job search online

Open conversation about employment and professional development regardless of age


In the 21st century, a single person can change jobs three to seven times in a lifetime. If you want to learn how to prepare a resume properly, get an interview with your dream company, and find a job, this educational series is for you.


Anna Mazur, Executive Director of the Happy Monday career portal, will also tell how to stay motivated and confident during a long and exhausting search. She will be assisted by Vyacheslav Lukyanchuk (Outreach Manager, Boosta), Nina Drozd (blogger of the YouTube channel "Grandma 2.0" for people aged 50+), and Dmytro Bondar (CEO, Boosta).


A joint project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Happy Monday, and the Eastern Europe Foundation.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
Problem solving in the digital environment and lifelong learning