thumb-Four women and two men in a group photo on a black background

How to become a mentor for schoolchildren

This educational series will help you provide quality support to Ukrainian schoolchildren who are facing many hurdles on the way to quality education

Experts: Yulia Bilyk, Tetiana Shvets, Inna Rakhmistriuk, +4

Mastering mentoring skills and using them to help younger generations is one of the tools to make a real, tangible impact on Ukrainian education.
This educational series was created to enable as many people as possible to provide quality support to Ukrainian schoolchildren who are facing many hurdles on the way to quality education. Over the course of 12 episodes, educational experts will introduce you to the basics of mentor-mentee interaction, tools for building rapport and effective communication with children. In the series, you will find useful information on how our brains learn, what motivates and demotivates us, and how fostering a growth mindset can have a qualitative impact on the results we expect from ourselves and from children. Today, it is more important than ever to help students deal with traumatic events and manage their emotions. That's why the first aid skills, which are also discussed in the series, are essential. We believe in the potential and strength of each and every one of you.


The educational serial was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine within the framework of the “StudMentor”academic mentoring programme for students from the NGO "Teach4Ukraine" and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine and with the support of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) for the Diia.Education platform.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
for teachers, for young people, for educators

HARD: Inquiry-based learning, Neurodidactics, New learning approaches implementation, Planning, Working with information

SOFT: Active listening, Effective communication, Empathy, Flexible thinking, Formulating developmental feedback, Proactiveness, Psychological first aid, Reflection, Self-development, Self-regulation

Invited experts

Yulia Bilyk
Coordinator of educational solutions of the mentoring program, manager for the "Educational Soup" project for overcoming learning losses from the NGO "Teach For Ukraine"
Tetiana Shvets
Doctor (Candidate) of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.) of the Department of Pedagogy at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Inna Rakhmistriuk
Head of Training and Support at "Teach For Ukraine", participant of the mentoring program and the program on trauma-informed teaching approach from the "Teach For All" network
Petro Sitek
Mentor at the School of the Free and Caring, winner of the national Global Teacher Prize Ukraine 2023 in the Young Teacher category





Teach For Ukraine