Interior designer
How to work as an interior designer: laws, technical standards, computer programs for work
Experts: Vika Didych
Have you created your dream home in The Sims? Sometimes you want all the money in the world to overhaul your home and make it comfortable, beautiful, and cozy. This is what interior designers do when they create interiors for shops, institutions, and homes in special programs. To do it right, they know how to communicate with clients, create projects according to technical standards, the laws of architecture, and the rules of composition. Designers create an interior style, choose facing materials, and adjust ideas to the type of room. Interested in doing the same? Then welcome to watching the series!
The educational series was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation for the Diia.Education platform with the support of, the Eastern Europe Foundation, with the assistance of Balbek Bureou.
HARD: 3D modeling of the object, Analysis of different spaces, Combination of interior styles, Compliance with the laws of architecture, Compliance with the standards of GRS, Compliance with зrinciples of universal design, Creation of an architectural composition, Creation of an ergonomic space, Creation of moodboard and visualizations, Drawing and designing, Planning stages of interior decoration, Selection of colors, Selection of floor covering materials, Selection of lighting, Spaces Measurements, Work with Google Workspace tools, Work with programs for interior design, Work with project management tools, Work with task management tools
SOFT: Attention to details, Communication with the client in creative professions
Get started
Episode 1. Introduction. Stages of project creation
Episode 1. Introduction. Stages of project creation
Episode 2. Basic principles of project creation
Episode 2. Basic principles of project creation
Episode 3. Tools for creating a project
Episode 3. Tools for creating a project
Invited experts
Vika Didych
balbek bureau
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