Landscape designer
How to become a landscape designer: from technical specifications to implementation
Experts: Tymofii Baziak
More and more people are now seeking unity with nature. And who better to facilitate this than a landscape designer? In this series, get fertile soil for your knowledge to germinate and blossom into new ideas. Combining different textures, playing with composition and structuring the space — learn all the subtleties and secrets. In addition, learn the basics of drawing and design, and the classification of plants, soils, and climatic zones. Finally, learn to work with the customer and the team. And then it's just a matter of taking the first step!
The educational series was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation for the Diia.Education platform with the support of, the Eastern Europe Foundation, with the assistance of the Botanic Market.
HARD: Application of landscape textures, Consideration of seasons in landscape design, Consideration сlimatic zones and ecosystems, Creation of landscape compositions, Drawing and designing, Peculiarities of plant care, Presentation skills, Project controlling & monitoring, Project planning, Selection of plants, Work with different types of plants, Work with different types of soils, Work with drawing tools, Work with programs for landscape design, Сolors selection in landscape design
SOFT: Attention to details, Communication in management, Communication in team, Communication with clients in management, Communication with contractors, Communication with the client in creative professions, Creative Thinking, Negotiation
Get started
Episode 1. What is landscape design
Episode 1. What is landscape design
Episode 2. Plants, soils and climate
Episode 2. Plants, soils and climate
Episode 3. Drawing and designing
Episode 3. Drawing and designing
Invited experts
Tymofii Baziak
Botanic Market
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