thumb-Anton Tkachenko on a dark background

Mobile photographer

How to make money by shooting only on your phone

Experts: Anton Tkachenko

Instagram can be used for more than just selfies. You can become a mobile photographer, taking portraits, photos for business or photo stocks — and make a profit from it! To learn how to take professional photos with your phone, watch this educational series. Here, you will learn how to use your smartphone camera to take pictures of objects, people, and the environment, what role light plays, and what it can be like. Step by step, and your subscribers will ask you: is this a photo taken with a professional camera?


The educational series was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation for the Diia.Education platform with the support of, the Eastern Europe Foundation, with the assistance of Bazilik.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
for IDPs, for new job seekers, for new profession

HARD: Application of the diagonal, Applying a large frame, Communication with photography models, Compliance with the rules of mobile photography, Creating a photo composition, Model selection and preparation, Photo processing, Programs for editing and processing photos, Scenarios for manual and auto-testing, Searching and choosing a location for filming, Types of lighting and the ability to select and display light, Types of photography and features of their creation, Types of photography angles and angle selection, Understanding and selecting a plot element, Work with artificial light

SOFT: Attention to details, Creative Thinking

Mobile photographer

Invited experts


Anton Tkachenko

A lecturer of the "Mobile Photographer" course at the Bazilik School of Communications, blogger, content creator


