thumb-Natalia Alyushina, Oksana Kosenko and Viktoriya Kozachenko on a dark background

Organising Internships for Youth in Public Authorities

Instructions and guidelines for organising youth internships in public authorities

Experts: Nataliia Aliushyna, Oksana Kosenko, Viktoriia Kozachenko

What exactly is an internship, and what advantages does it offer to public authorities and young people? What are the crucial roles involved in arranging an internship within the authority? How can you create a brilliant programme that will be both effective and engaging for young people? We'll delve into these topics and more in our educational series, "Organising Internships for Youth in Public Authorities". You'll receive step-by-step guidance on how to prepare and carry out an internship. Furthermore, you'll discover how to maintain contact with young people afterwards and transform the internship into a long-term partnership. We've bolstered our advice and recommendations with real-life examples and supplementary materials for each subject.


The educational series was created at the initiative of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service with the assistance of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and with the support of the UNDP Ukraine/UNDP in Ukraine Human Rights for Ukraine Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/Embassy of Denmark in Ukraine.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
for civil servants, for public servants, for young people, for new profession

HARD: Creating a intern profile, Designing an internship program, Distributing roles in the organisation of internships, Internship organisation, Preparation of internship participants

SOFT: Communication with youth, Promoting internships among young people

Invited experts

Nataliia Aliushyna
Head of the National Civil Service Agency of Ukraine, Ukrainian researcher, international expert on institutional development of public service and professional development of public servants, coach-trainer
Oksana Kosenko
Civil Society Project Coordinator, UNDP in Ukraine
Viktoriia Kozachenko
Expert in building integrity, public administration and governance



The National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NAUCS)

thumb-Logo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, featuring a crown and a coat of arms with lions on a red background, alongside the text "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark" in bold red letters

The Government of Denmark

thumb-Логотип Програми розвитку ООН: синій прямокутник із зображенням білого глобуса, оточеного оливковою гілкою, та білими літерами "UNDP" під зображенням

United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine

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