thumb-Three experts of the series on a dark background

Personal Data

Personal data and privacy policy: what it is and how to manage it safely


Have you ever checked the box for "use of cookies"? Congratulations, you have shared your personal data with the site owners. This is information that is collected about users and then used for commercial purposes The Internet can know everything about you, but it's up to you to accept it or not. As a data controller, you have your rights — know them and find out where to go if they are violated.

Learn what personal data and privacy policies are. Learn how to safely use online services of companies and social media without harming yourself.


Now you can check the box and know why!


A project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the support of the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and the NGO PrivacyHub.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
Security in the digital environment


thumb-Логотип Програми розвитку ООН: синій прямокутник із зображенням білого глобуса, оточеного оливковою гілкою, та білими літерами "UNDP" під зображенням

United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine

thumb-Logo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, featuring a crown and a coat of arms with lions on a red background, alongside the text "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark" in bold red letters

The Government of Denmark