PON: Internet access without power for up to 72 hours
How to connect PON technology
Experts: Yurii Matsyk
This educational series introduces the advantages of PON fiber optic Internet technology, which allows the Internet to work for up to 72 hours during power outages.
The series explains the basic principles of the technology, its practical application, connection, and economic aspects. You will learn how PON technology works and how its infrastructure is built. You will also get step-by-step recommendations on how to check the technical readiness of your home, choose equipment, evaluate a provider, and avoid common mistakes.
The educational series “PON: Internet access without power for up to 72 hours” was produced within the framework of the Digital Transformation Activity, with support from USAID and UK Dev.
The creation of this series was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
This educational series has been funded by the UK International Development from the UK Government; however, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government's official policies.
HARD: Analyzing the optimal costs of PON connection, Defining the required skills of a PON technician, Defining the steps to connect a PON, Determining the premises technical requirements for PON, Determining the right equipment for PON connection, Distinguishing between cable and fiber optic Internet, Distinguishing between fixed and mobile Internet, Distinguishing Internet technologies, Identifying home Internet technologies, Identifying PON technology
Get started
Episode 1. Internet technologies overview and the advantages of PON
Episode 1. Internet technologies overview and the advantages of PON
Episode 2. How PON works
Episode 2. How PON works
Episode 3. How to connect PON at home
Episode 3. How to connect PON at home
Invited experts
Yurii Matsyk
UK International Development
Eurasia Foundation
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