thumb-Pavlo Chuyko on a dark background

SMT operator

How to become a professional SMT operator

Experts: Pavlo Chuiko

Installing electronic board components, programming robots and controlling them is a real jungle for some people. But if you are not afraid of challenges and want to work in a technological niche, the profession of an SMT operator is perfect for you. In our series, we shared the basic knowledge that this specialist should have. During the viewing, you will learn about the main stages of SMT assembly, get acquainted with the 5 types of machines that an SMT operator must work with, learn about safety rules at work, and find out how to operate each of these machines. Conquer the world of technology with confidence!


The educational series was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation for the Diia.Education platform with the support of, the Eastern Europe Foundation, with the assistance of Ajax.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
for IDPs, for new job seekers, for new profession

HARD: Ability to work with equipment for SMT assembly, Automatic optical inspection, Equipping the workplace for SMT assembly, Safety equipment on the SMT line, Sequence of work with the engraver, Sequence of work with the installer, Sequence of work with the oven, Sequence of work with the printer, Stages and sequence of SMT assembly, Work with different types of possession for SMT assembly

SOFT: Attention to details

SMT operator

Invited experts


Pavlo Chuiko

Senior SMT line operator



Ajax Systems