thumb-Ilona Remihailo on a dark background

The art of hotel service

How to make the guest want to return to the hotel

Experts: Ilona Remihailo

This series will provide basic knowledge about quality control of hotel services at all levels of guest communication in the hotel. Experts will help increase the confidence of hotel employees in the expediency of service. In particular, the series contains work tools that will make the work of employees more efficient and the stay of the guest more comfortable.


Educational series is created with the support of the EGAP Program, executed by the Eastern Europe Foundation and financed by Switzerland, in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine for the Diia.Education platform.

Education series
Ukrainian, English
Tourism and leisure
for business and entrepreneurs, for adults

HARD: Anticipation of the client's needs, Creation of high-quality ergonomics of space, Feedback management, High-quality reception and accommodation of guests, Improving service through technology, Improving the quality of additional hotel services, Non-verbal communication with the client, Quick Check-in and Check-out, Service quality monitoring, Work according to scripts, Working with guest feedback

SOFT: Friendly service

Invited experts

thumb-Ilona eng

Ilona Remihailo

Hotel General Manager, University tutor


thumb-Logos of the EGAP Program, the East Europe Foundation and the Swiss Confederation
thumb-Logo of the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine

The State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine