thumb-Dmytro Popov, Alla Oliynyk and Yevgeny Shikiryavy on a dark background

Web accessibility

Design for people with disabilities: basic tools, WCAG principles, testing, and error evaluation

Experts: Dmytro Popov, Alla Oliinyk, Yevhenii Shykiriavyi

How to make a design for the blind and people with motor impairments? Here you will find detailed instructions on how to create an inclusive website, electronic document, or mobile application.


The main focus of the educational series is on designing a website according to WCAG standards for an audience with low vision, visual or motor impairments. Listen to an overview of how screen readers work and get started with creating your design.


In the series, experts will take a step-by-step look at how to adapt non-textual content and multimedia, manage color and contrast, and simplify navigation for keyboard users. Learn how to properly organize materials, name documents and elements of the website or app structure, and write readable texts for users with cognitive disabilities.


With these recommendations, it's easy to make websites barrier-free for people with limited mobility.


The series was developed at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine for the Diia.Education platform with the support of the Digital, Inclusive, Accessible: Supporting the Digitalization of Public Services in Ukraine Project (Diia Support Project) implemented by the United Nations Development Program in Ukraine with financial support from Sweden.

Education series
for designers, for public servants, for CDTO
Internet and online-apps usage

Invited experts

Dmytro Popov
Digital Accessibility Consultant at UNDP Ukraine, Director of the Digital Accessibilaty Laboratory
Alla Oliinyk
State expert of the expert group on issues of strategic development of personnel management of the General Department on issues of personnel management in the civil service and in local self-government bodies of the NAUCS
Yevhenii Shykiriavyi
Design manager at Eleks, co-author of the course "Inclusive Design of Graphical Interfaces" and co-author of the authorized translation of WCAG 2.1 into Ukrainian


thumb-Логотип Програми розвитку ООН: синій прямокутник із зображенням білого глобуса, оточеного оливковою гілкою, та білими літерами "UNDP" під зображенням

United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine

