
How to become a mentor for schoolchildren?

Try to find the right solution to real-life situations that may occur within the between mentor-mentee interaction

Experts: Yulia Bilyk

The culture of mentoring is only gaining popularity in our country. We are witnessing increasingly more often the build up of relationships where a person with experience and a certain amount of knowledge (mentor) is ready to support and help those who need additional knowledge or skills (mentee). A mentor for schoolchildren is our answer and a way to overcome the challenge of educational losses of Ukrainian students caused by the years of Covid and war. We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of real-life situations that can occur during the interaction between mentor and mentee, and find a way to respond in an ecological way and build supportive relationships with children.


In this simulation, you will get a chance to imagine yourself as a mentor and find out the following: what are the functions of a mentor, what is the sequence of stages of working with a mentee, how to build effective communication, what is a competency-based approach, how to give feedback and praise correctly, how to build trust, how to provide psychological first aid, etc.


We believe in the potential and strength of each and every one of you, just as we believe that every child in Ukraine should be able to realize their potential regardless of their place of birth and residence.


The simulator was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine within the framework of the “StudMentor”academic mentoring programme for students from the NGO "Teach4Ukraine" and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine and with the support of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) for the Diia.Education platform.

for young people, for active citizens

Invited experts


Yulia Bilyk

Coordinator of educational solutions of the mentoring program, manager for the "Educational Soup" project for overcoming learning losses from the NGO "Teach For Ukraine"







Teach For Ukraine

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